Utah Family Medicine Clinics

From babyhood to old age, Utah’s family medicine clinics see virtually everybody. No matter if you are hit with a minor ailment or need long-range problem relief–the clinic meets all!

But it’s not just because of the one-two punch of a caring personal touch combined with comprehensive care that people in Utah have flocked to these clinics. Here, a doctor’s memory is extraordinary. He can recall your childhood-time accidents or teenage flocks of erotic poetry; he seems to remember every little thing, from your great-grandfather’s grandfather’s knee aches right down to when allergies started to spread silently over you every autumn – visit us.

At these clinics the emphasis is on family-oriented, continuing care. No longer in need will you have to hop from appointment to appointment that is irregularly arranged with different specialists; under an offthe roof there is consistent care that leaves you feeling worry-free in today’s fast-moving medical environment.

Imagine sitting in a waiting room of a building from which you can see Utah’s magnificent landscape. The chirpy clinic nurse – who appreciated your garish socks when she saw you greeted as a patient – ushers you in. Then your doctor arrives and the chat flows as naturally from the last update on your health as does that of your son. It’s just as if you were talking with an old friend who knows about everything in your life and looks out for it.

Another strong point is efficiency. How many times has your specialist used some ungodly hour to phone with important results? In these new surroundings its just standard practice, follow-ups that run as smoothly and swiftly as a Utah ski runner gliding down a hill.

Thinking about your welfare at a social level is also provided by the clinics. The doctors there are community-level physicians, and they offer installment plans that make first-rate treatment available to everybody.

Family physicians have broad-based and extensive training in medical skill. Consequently, when your young son slipped off the monkey bars and broke his arm, these professionals handle it. It’s like the odd team of professionals nature put together just for you and your family!

The remarkable thing about these clinics is that they are not just academically bright, they also have a heart and soul. There, you are not a mere piece of timber; they remember your family yarns and even your playful dog Lucy. It’s creating a real community, as beautiful and charming as the dramatic landscape of Utah.