Door Hinges: Behind Bars, the Secret Life behind Jail Door Hinges
Ever considered the unsung heros of prison security? Yep, we’re talking about door hinges. The hinges on the old cupboard of your grandma are not ordinary squeaky ones. This is the real deal. Jail door hinges are fascinating.
First, there is the heavy-duty continual hinge. Imagine this: A long strip running the entire width of a front door. It’s just like having a reliable friend by your side. These bad guys distribute weight evenly, reducing stress on the frame of the door. These bad boys are great for keeping the cell doors in place and preventing any sneaky tampering.
Then, there is the hidden hinge. This is like a magician hiding a trick behind his back. The hinge is not visible when the door closes, so it’s difficult to mess with. Think of it like a secret spy in hinge form.
Next up is the butt-hinged prison. The funny name of this hinge doesn’t fool you. It is a serious hinge. It’s small, but it is incredibly powerful. Like that tiny trainer who could lift two times their weight with no problem. These hinges have been made with high-strength metals to resist pressure.
Remember pivot hinges too! These hinges allow doors that are too small to fit on a drumhead, or those where access is required quickly from either side can swing both ways. Imagine trying to open the fridge, only to find that it swings both directions.
You can also find hinges that are designed to operate smoothly under heavy loads. This is a great option for any correctional institution. It’s like getting an oil change when your car is clunking; it keeps everything running smoothly.
Why is this so important? Imagine if these hinges were to fail! If they failed, inmates could slip through faster than hot butter from toast! The choice of high-quality hardware will help maintain order within the prison walls.
Tell me about a situation in an old prison, where they undervalued their choice of hardware (cue dramatic sound effects). They selected subpar hardware, believing that no-one would notice…until somebody did! A clever prisoner discovered how easily he could disassemble those inferior items during his nightly attempt to escape. He was thwarted, but not before his big escape!
The next time that you walk by a building, and I assume this happens a lot, take pause to appreciate those tiny metal marvels. They deserve more credit than they get.
As a conclusion… wait! I didn’t promise to make any conclusions. It’s important to remember that each type, whether it is visible or hidden and out of sight from prying minds, plays an integral role in maintaining safety within correctional institutions around the world.